Obtain Online

To Burn Leaves/Grass Clippings - Obtain a burn permit electronically via our online Burning Permit Form.

Burn Bans

The Environmental Protection Agency enacted "Burn Ban" for Douglas County begins May 1st and continues until September 30th each year.

From October 1st to April 31st, residents wishing to burn vegetative debris may obtain a free burn permit by filling out our online Burning Permit Form. Burn permits will only be issued the day burning is to begin, and if the winds are under 10 miles per hour.

Residents can dial 770-949-1212 after 8 am to determine if burning permits are being given each day. In addition to obtaining a burning permit, residents must follow all burning regulations listed below.

Recreational Burning

"Recreational burning" means the burning of materials other than rubbish where fuel being burned is not contained in an incinerator, outdoor fireplace, barbecue grill or barbecue pit and with a total fuel area of 3 feet or less in diameter and 2 feet (610 millimeters ) or less in height for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking or similar purposes. For recreation purposes or cooking food for immediate human consumption.

Recreational Burns meeting criteria do not require a burning permit and are permitted throughout the year.

Recreational burning shall not exceed an area of 3 feet in diameter without the prior approval of the fire department. Recreational burning approved by the fire department in excess of 3 feet in diameter shall require a burning permit issued by the fire department.


For questions, please call 770-942-8626




Between October 1st and April 30th all open burning of leaves on the premises on which they fall by the person in control of the premises shall require a burning permit issued by the fire department.  



(1)   The fire will be on premises owned, rented or otherwise under my control or care.

(2)   No burning will be done when the wind exceeds 10 mph unless approved by the Fire Official.

(3)   Open burning on premises heretofore described shall require a person in charge of such open burning to be physically present, with an effective means of controlling the fire immediately available. No fire shall be started or allowed to burn nearer than thirty (30) feet from a property line or any structure. All such open burning shall be attended until the last embers of the fire have been extinguished; provided further that all such burning will be in conformity with state air quality control rules and regulations chapter 391-3-1.

(4)   Burning of leaves allowed only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

(5)   Heavy oils, asphalt materials, items containing natural or synthetic rubber or any materials other than plant growth may NOT be burned.

(6)   Vegetative debris from land development, clearing of land for farming or pasture, and debris from storm damage shall not be burned on top of the ground and may only be burned in an approved pit with the use of an air curtain destructor.  (Must meet EPD regulations.  Must be permitted and inspected through main office @ (770) 942-8626.)

(7)   Burning permits may be cancelled at any time without advance notice due to changes in wind speed and weather conditions.

(8)   On occasion, open burning may be banned due to air pollution alerts or weather conditions that could create hazardous situations. The applicant shall call (770) 949-1212 each day during the term of the permit to advise if burning is intended and to ascertain if burning is allowed on that day.  No permit shall be issued for more than ten (10) days without approval of the Fire Official. 


