Meet Chief Pablo Lugo

Pablo Lugo is a 29-year fire and emergency services veteran. He joined the Douglas County Fire Department in 1992 as an emergency medical technician. For the last several years he has led the training department. He also helps oversee the daily administration of the department and helps plan for its future.

He presents programs on Fire and EMS initial education, Fire and EMS continuing education. These classes include leadership, instructor development, officer development, fire ground tactics, incident command, and firefighter safety and survival.

His father and mother instilled in him the importance of formal and informal education and how it benefits a person professionally and personally. He has acquired several degrees. He holds an associate degree in Information Technology from West Central College. He also acquired a bachelor’s degree in Science from the University of Miami (FL) and a master’s degree in Science from the University of West Georgia.

He holds several National Proficiency Qualifications certifications including Fire Fighter 1, Fire Fighter 2, Fire Officer 1, Fire Officer, Fire Officer 3, Fire Officer 4, Instructor 1, Instructor 2, Arson Investigator, Hazmat Awareness, Hazmat Operations, Georgia State Evaluator, Structural Fire Control instructor

In the field of emergency medical services, Pablo is a Georgia State Certified Paramedic, Georgia Certified Paramedic Instructor, CPR instructor, Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor, Pediatric Advanced Life Support Instructor, Prehospital Trauma Life Support instructor, and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Instructor

He is currently a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).