Started his career with the Douglas County Fire Department in May 1995. He aspired to be a firefighter for as long as he could remember. He grew up around the fire service as one of his uncles retired from the Cobb County Fire Department and another uncle retired from the Douglas County Fire Department. He has many highlights and fond memories during his career but being deployed to Waveland, Mississippi during the Hurricane Katrina Rescue Operations was and still is a life changing experience for him.

One day in the parking lot of a Walmart shopping store, Chief Shelton and disaster relief workers were gathered to deliver supplies for residents who lost everything from the wrath of Hurricane Katrina. He remembered one little girl in line who he gave a teddy bear to. That gesture alone brought the biggest smile on her face, reminding him no matter how bad it gets, he can make a difference.

He is grateful and blessed to have a wonderful family that has supported him throughout his career. He has been married to his wife Jennifer for almost 15 years and has three amazing stepchildren, Hannah, Mason, both 19 and Tyler, 17. Without them and the many professional mentors along the way, Battalion Chief Shelton believes he would not be where he is today.