“Be All That You Can Be” was the recruiting slogan of the United States Army for over twenty years and after graduating from Lithia Springs High school in 1990, Captain Kelly Hardy joined the U.S. Army. After spending two years in Germany in the 6/43 Air Defense Artillery (ADA) and a year in Fort Stewart in the 24 Cavalry, Hardy determined he was ready to go back home to Douglas County, Georgia where he joined the Douglas County Fire/EMS Department on December 14, 1998.

Hardy believed he served his purpose in the Army to defend and protect and now serving the citizens of Douglas County, he finds great value in serving and protecting life and property. “The Fire department is like a family, we rely on each other to do a job and trust in each other,” Hardy said. “We go through bad calls with each other and experience dangerous situations with each other and that builds a bond and trust with each other.”

Just prior to 2000, Hardy’s life would change forever. He met a beautiful, loving, woman, who became the love of his life in Danielle Hardy. They both have been married for 24 years and they have two wonderful daughters Madyson Rowell and Katelyn Hardy.

As the saying goes, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and so does a daughter who cares & appreciates her father. Hardy’s daughter Madyson recently joined the Fire/EMS Department as well.

Hardy takes time whenever he’s not fighting fires to talk to students and let them know how satisfying it is to get an education and work for the fire department. Hardy believes in education and supports pursuing a dream as he recently did. Hardy recently accomplished receiving his associate degree in Fire Science at Columbia Southern University.

Sometimes we see people on their worst day due to a medical problem or a tragic accident,” Hardy said. “But some of the most memorable emergency calls that I have responded to in my career is just simply being kind and showing compassion to someone in need.” One time, Hardy and his crew responded to an older gentleman that had fallen in his driveway. Hardy noticed that his mailbox had fallen over when he fell trying to hold himself up. Hardy went and bought him a new mailbox out of his own personal pocket and when the next shift came, Hardy went and replaced his mailbox.

“That gentleman was so proud of that small gesture,” Hardy said. “That is what this career is about helping people when they need help and having an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. I feel blessed to serve the community that I grew up in.”