When C.J. Zachmeyer joined the Douglas County Fire Department straight out of high school July 4th, 1991, he was no stranger to the fire service.

With Zachmeyer’s, dad, Bill, first joining the fire service as a volunteer, with the Douglas County Fire Department’s support group, and his two older brothers’ Scott and Jeff, joining soon after, there was no surprise, the youngest son, C.J., had a desire to continue the long and strong legacy of dedicated service to the Douglas County Fire/EMS Department.

Zachmeyer vividly remembers, as a child, he used to follow one of Douglas County Fire Department’s Division Chiefs, David Brown, walking around his truck, checking the truck for any apparatus missing or out of place. Zachmeyer also remembers fond memories with his own father that include visiting fire stations and it was during those times, Zachmeyer knew he wanted to be a firefighter.

This coming July will mark thirty-two long years with the Douglas County Fire/EMS Department. Some of his fondest memories are living and working with the older generation who helped build the fire department. Other memories include the historic flooding of September 2009 that struck Douglas County with a vengeance. So fierce was the rising waters, Zachmeyer can still recall responding to an older lady trapped on the hood of her car during one of his many emergency calls.

Zachmeyer misses the firefighters who have retired or passed away, but he’s fond of their stories and loves telling them and listening to them to this day.

During these days, times are tough, but Zachmeyer still enjoys working with his current firefighters, because it takes him back to the days being with his father when he first started. Zachmeyer feels fortunate and blessed not only because of the Douglas County Fire Department, but because of his family too.

His wife, Jennifer of 27 years and children, 23-year-old Cole and 20-year-old Halle have given him the opportunity to proudly serve as a Captain in the Douglas County Fire Department and serve as a loving husband and father.